Use Cases
The problems and solutions described below are specific to each individual company’s operations and are provided for illustrative purposes. The modules described that are used within T-K are generic in the sense that they can be applied to evaluate similar problems with routing, repetitive work, capacity analysis and employee performance across any operation.
Process Mining
The Problem: Incident resolution for a large Global Outsourcer was taking entirely too long resulting in expensive service level agreement penalties. The company was unable to identify where the drag in response was occurring using traditional Business Intelligence reporting and metrics it had implemented.
The Solution: Utilizing our Process Mining modules in T-K to map work through a variety of systems we were able to identify that too many tickets were bouncing between two service desks an inordinate number of times on a regular basis. When the outsourcer’s client would struggle with a software install and submit a ticket, the response looked like this…..

With the full picture visualized pinpointing the bottlenecks, simply re-training the service desk level 1 team allowed the company to meet the service level requirements and resolve problems faster saving invaluable time and money.
Repetitive Work
The Problem: Production was down at a financial institution and projects were not being completed on time.
The Solution: T-K analyzed the company’s operational data with the Repetitive Work module, which leverages natural language processing and clustering. After sifting through all the operational data, it identified multiple clusters of repetitive work.

The identification of Whack-a-Mole (WAM) work patterns led to further root cause investigation as to why certain types of work were repeating. This allowed the Problem Management team to focus and successfully reduce the amount of work for this workgroup by 50% by making changes to their virtual desktop infrastructure and easing access for their employees to common programs such as excel.
Service Desk Capacity
The Problem: A Fortune 500 Defense Contractor needed to improve their customer service specifically in the area of decreasing their call answer time. They struggled to understand the underlying problem and how to fix the issue. The IT help desk was answering calls too slowly and breaking their service level agreement – costing them over $1,000,000 per month in penalties.
The Solution: Using its Service Desk Capacity modules, CKM connected in real-time all transactional data as well as log data from ticketing systems, workforce management, telephony, chat logs, alert systems and focused the results through algorithmic methods to improve efficiency, reduce risk and increase client service.

By suggesting simple shifts in scheduling patterns, call answer time was cut in half, from 1 minute to a reasonable 30 seconds without any increase in staff. The company met and exceed their SLAs – virtually eliminating all SLA penalties. Customer satisfaction rates increased by 20% in post call surveys as well.
Ticket Category Metrics
The Problem: Performance amongst employees was inconsistent at a telecommunications provider but the organization wasn’t able to measure the productivity of their employees effectively to determine where action should be focused.

The Solution: Using its Ticket Category Metrics module, CKM is able to measure employee productivity across a variety of categories of work. The illustration above shows call center agent productivity measures per employee and defines a mean level of performance. The company was able to reward extraordinarily productive employees but also focus on training or focusing on the performance of those that fell below the mean. By moving employees to the mean level of performance the organization was able to produce more work with fewer staff and monitor the progress employees were making towards reaching adequate performance levels in real time.
Those are just some of the countless ways CKM can help your business become more efficient and profitable. The first step to solving the problem is seeing the problem. Our software reveals the true structure and process of your workflow and allows you to quickly identify and anticipate areas of improvement across your company.