The Highest Return is in the Enterprise Blood – Deciphering Enterprise Data


1 min read

Heads of businesses are continuously searching to improve their business performance. They generally ask their internal teams to do more: save more, produce more, sell more. In short, do always more with less.

The basis is often to rely on external studies performed by top advisers to compare the company’s performance to benchmarks and best practices provided by independent companies, to show how much the internal teams should improve. But it is often easier to ask for an external palm reader for advice than to understand what is really happening internally, the good and the bad.

In the meantime, the blood of the company continues to flow through its systems. It is materialized through all the work that everyone does in the enterprise, through all computer systems that facilitate, collect, transfer, communicate across the enterprise. This blood captures all the knowledge that makes the enterprise tick. But its composition is difficult to understand, at least initially.

The real diagnostic of the enterprise is hidden in the flow, the collection and the processing of all the actions of the company. If, if only, it was possible for the executives to read its own bloodstream, how it is evolving, the telltales of betterment and worsening, the enterprise could readily act, react and improve. Today with the continued progress of digital analytics and the work of data scientists, enterprises can gain these insights.

At CKM Advisors, that is what we are doing. We have discovered the power of enterprise data by combining expert data connections, focused analytics, effective visualization, and rapid integration into enterprise systems.

To achieve greater effectiveness, deeper data discovery, and/or to mitigate risk, contact the principals at CKM Advisors:

Pierre Buhler (
Curtis Morikawa (